A few weeks ago I shared an infographic of the social media landscape so that we can all consider our place and future in it. The impact of that inforgraphic is compounded when you consider the explosion of the Social TV ecosystem show above. This chart shows the main players in the Social TV landscape and the niches they occupy.
As you study the chart above you’ll notice everything from Social TV content providers to Meta Data suppliers to Analytic Tools to Content syndication. What we’re witnessing is the overlay of all the niches applications of social media onto the screen within screen platform to add a dynamic social and commercial dimension to watching TV.
You’ll also notice many new players within each category as the opportunities and solutions within each niche become more sophisticated whether it’s rewards for checking in (such as Viggle) or real time Social TV engagement analytics (such a Bluefin Labs).
Taken together, the Social Media landscape infographic and Social TV infographic present countless opportunities for the expanded reach of your brand, the engagement of new customers, and the measurement tools that enable you to finesse your strategy to improve your lead generation and sales conversions. What’s more, they both provide a powerful snapshot of the new technologies and applications that are re-shaping business.
So take a moment to study these two info graphics and ask yourself three questions:
1. What technologies or tolls represent opportunities for my brand?
2. What companies or niches threaten my current business?
3. What partnerships or collaborations could I pursue to improve my reach, sales or reputation?
Every one of the companies above has already done the due diligence as to where the market is headed and how to capitalize on it. As such they are signposts for your own business success in the future, and powerful indicators of where your business needs to pivot to find new customers, greater engagements, and long term financial success.
Is there any niche that really surprised you? What niche represents the greatest opportunity for your business?