As businesses everywhere confront the realities of doing business in the twenty-first century, there is an increasing recognition of the need for shared value—a way of doing business that creates financial success in harmony with societal benefits. Unfortunately as you know no doubt already know, businesses typically live in competition with one another and exist …
Read MoreOver the last 48 hours much has been made of the stark contrast in performances at the first Presidential debate by the press, pundits and public across America and around the world. As one commentator aptly stated, watching the debates was like was witnessing two separate conversations taking place at the same time. Issues aside, …
Read MoreWebinar (free) by Sekou Andrews – Tuesday, September 27, 2016 With the proliferation of social media channels that give us so many ways to reach our audience and inspire them to share our content, we often overlook the essential ability to tell and sell a compelling story on our feet. Whether you’re a marketer pitching to …
Read MoreAre you familiar with Earth Overshoot Day? No, it’s not some sort of race between satellites put on by NASA or other global space agencies, it’s actually the day each year that marks when we’ve used up the Earth’s resources for that year. Think of it as the planet’s ecological and environmental budget, tied to …
Read MoreIt’s no secret that businesses everywhere, both large and small, are increasingly showcasing their purpose to not only receive due credit for their good works, but to also position themselves as the more socially-conscious option amongst the competition and thus, hopefully, give themselves a competitive advantage in the process. And while that’s all well and …
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